Friday, July 24, 2015

Toolpath Templates - loading instead of create...

Quick tip for this Friday!

In all of Autodesk CAM products you are able to store toolpath templates, and then insert them into your setups.  But, what if you are in a toolpath already and realize that you want to use a template that you have stored.  do you really have to cancel out of the operation, and then go through the steps of inserting the toolpath template?  Well, in HSMWorks you don't have to.

Let's say I start a parallel toolpath, and I have some stored in the templates folder.  Hey, I'm going to pull info from the other toolpath template!  So, in the toolpath; right click anywhere on the Property Manager.
then this dialog will show up.
Click on the "Load Template" selection and then a dialog will show up with the templates that you have stored.

I select the Parallel HSMWorks template and hit open!
Now, all the property changes i made that were stored in the template have now been changed in my current toolpath.  The only thing that i have to do is pick the tool and I am good to go!

That is today's quick tip!
Hope it helps and until next time!

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